Digify students visit Semantica!
What is Digify?
Digify Africa is a digital training initiative delivered by Livity Africa, with support from Google, the Rockefeller Foundation and British Council. The programme is designed to up-skill the next generation of digital talent in preparation for jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities across the continent. Launched in South Africa in 2014 (and in Nigeria and Kenya in 2016), Digify Africa consists of Digify Pro and Digify Bytes, two programmes that offer real-world practical learning experiences that are delivered by young digital professionals.
Digify Africa is a new pathway in education, employment and empowerment, proving that by learning and improving digital skills, one can increase their chances of becoming employed or starting their own business or freelance career in Africa.
One of our Directors, Lee provided some vocational training to the latest Cape Town cohort of Digify, for 18 – 25-year-olds to learn the basics of digital marketing, (read more about that here) and today his students visited our offices for a crash course in WordPress and the art of setting up a website in a couple of hours!
According to one of the students, today’s lecture was about not being a “cheapskate”. After doing some investigation as to what this really means, it turns out today’s lecture was about the different things you can do with the paid version of WordPress.
Digify 3.0 Class
The bright students, who are very fond of their lecturer explained how they were grateful for the opportunity and how much they were learning. One even mentioned wanting to be an intern here at Semantica!
With their websites already up and running, Lucille says she wants to start a digital Magazine while Karyn wants to start her own digital marketing company and___ wants to write Hip Hop music reviews.
Working with WordPress, SEO, PPC and eCommerce are just some of the wide range of topics that the students have learned about.
When asked what they enjoyed the most about the visit, like a choir they all said “the free Pizza!”
It was refreshing to have a few young faces with us in the office and we wish all the students nothing but the best with their future!
Read more about Digify Africa and spread the word – there are spaces available yet for the next course, so tell your friends – they could enjoy a 10 week crash course and end up as paid intern at any of the top agencies in Cape Town – if they work hard, they’ll have supercharged their career and will join the ranks of the creative madness that is the digital world of Cape Town!