CSS Preprocessors
Tools like SASS or LESS that extend CSS with variables, mixins, and functions to make
CTR: Click-through rate. The number of clicks divided by the number of impressions. CTR is usually higher than your CPM.
Cumulative Layout Shift
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) tracks how much a webpage’s elements unexpectedly move around as it
Custom Woocommerce Development
Custom Woocommerce Development: A development process that adds new functionality to Woocommerce.
Customer Segmentation
Categorizing customers based on behaviors and demographics.
Database performance optimization
Database performance optimization: modifications to a database to make reading from it, writing to it
Debian: An operating system and a distribution of Free Software.
Dedicated Hosting
A hosting solution where an entire server is allocated to one website.
Defer Parsing of Javascript
Defer Parsing of Javascript: Moving the load order of javascript to the footer so as
Deindexed: When a URL, section of URLs, or an entire domain has been removed from a