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Glossary Terms - Page 21 of 47 - Semantica Digital

Keyword stuffing: Loading a webpage with keywords in an attempt to manipulate a site's ranking in search engine results search results.

Keyword / Keyword Phrase: A specific word or combination of words that a searcher might type into a search field. Includes generic, category keywords; industry-specific terms; product brands; common misspellings and expanded variations (called Keyword Stemming), or multiple words (called Long Tail for their lower CTRs but sometimes better conversion rates). All might be entered as a search query. For example, someone looking to buy coffee mugs might use the keyword phrase “ceramic coffee mugs.” Also, keywords – which trigger ad network and contextual network ad serves – are the auction components on which PPC advertisers bid for all Ad Groups/Orders and campaigns.

KPI (Key Performance Indicators): KPI are metrics used to quantify objectives that reflect the strategic performance of your online marketing campaigns. They provide business and marketing intelligence to assess a measurable objective and the direction in which that objective is headed. (See Module 5, Lesson 2, for key definitions for general and SEO-specific KPIs.)

Landing page: The destination page on your site that viewers are sent to once they click on your ad. This does not have to be the homepage. E.g. www.news24.com is the homepage but www.news24.com/World could be your landing page for a sponsored link promoting world news on News24. When creating a [glossary]PPC[/glossary] ad, the advertiser displays a URL (and specifies the exact page [glossary]URL[/glossary] in the code) on which the searcher will land after clicking on an ad in the SERP. Landing pages are also known as “where the deal is closed,” as it is landing page actions that determine an advertiser’s conversion rate success.

Laravel: Laravel is a web application framework using PHP that makes coding, sharing and deployment