Link exchange
Link exchange: Also known as reciprocal linking, link exchanges involve “you link to me and I’ll
Link profile
Link profile: A term used to describe all the inbound links to a select domain, subdomain,
Link volume
Link volume: The quantity of links on a page.
Linked unstructured citations
Linked unstructured citations: References to a business’ complete or partial contact information on a non-directory platform
Local business schema
Local business schema: Structured data markup placed on a web page that helps search engines understand
Local queries
Local queries: A query in which the searcher is looking for something in a specific location,
Local Storage
A browser-based storage method that saves data locally on a user’s computer with no expiration.
A local development environment used to build WordPress websites offline before deployment.
Long copy
Long copy: Any longer pieces of writing, like a blog post or press release.
Long-tail keywords
Long-tail keywords: Longer queries, typically those containing more than three words. Indicative of their length, they