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Glossary Terms - Page 23 of 51 - Semantica Digital

jQuery: A Javascript library that greatly simplifies Javascript development and is easy to learn.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate.

JSON-LD: JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data (JSON-LD) is a format for structuring your data. For

A word or phrase that users type into search engines to find content.

Keyword stuffing: Loading a webpage with keywords in an attempt to manipulate a site's ranking in search engine results search results.

Keyword / Keyword Phrase: A specific word or combination of words that a searcher might type into a search field. Includes generic, category keywords; industry-specific terms; product brands; common misspellings and expanded variations (called Keyword Stemming), or multiple words (called Long Tail for their lower CTRs but sometimes better conversion rates). All might be entered as a search query. For example, someone looking to buy coffee mugs might use the keyword phrase “ceramic coffee mugs.” Also, keywords – which trigger ad network and contextual network ad serves – are the auction components on which PPC advertisers bid for all Ad Groups/Orders and campaigns.

KPI (Key Performance Indicators): KPI are metrics used to quantify objectives that reflect the strategic performance of your online marketing campaigns. They provide business and marketing intelligence to assess a measurable objective and the direction in which that objective is headed. (See Module 5, Lesson 2, for key definitions for general and SEO-specific KPIs.)