Local Storage
A browser-based storage method that saves data locally on a user’s computer with no expiration.
A local development environment used to build WordPress websites offline before deployment.
Long copy
Long copy: Any longer pieces of writing, like a blog post or press release.
Long-tail keywords
Long-tail keywords: Longer queries, typically those containing more than three words. Indicative of their length, they
Manual penalty
Manual penalty: A review from Google carried out by a person to determine that a
MariaDB: One of the most popular open source relational databases.
Marketing Cookies
Cookies that feed valuable marketing data back to platforms such as Facebook and Instagram, to
Mass Mail Services
Mass Mail Services: A mass email service allows you to send email communications to large
Mega Menu
A website mega menu (or megamenu) is a menu that unfolds when website visitors hover
Meme: A small message that spreads virally and embeds itself in popular culture.