Pagination: A website owner can opt to split a page into multiple parts in a sequence,
Paid listings of a search engine
Paid listings of a search engine: A relevant ad with a link to a company page is displayed when the user of a search engine types in a specific phrase. A fee is charged for every click of each link, with the amount bid for the click mainly determining its position.
Paid Seach
Paid Seach: Paid search is a form of digital marketing where search engines such as
Panda: A Google algorithm update that targeted low-quality content.
Payment Gateway
A payment gateway is a technology used by merchants to accept debit or credit card
Penetration Testing (Pen Testing)
Simulated attacks on a system to identify and fix vulnerabilities before real attackers exploit them.
People Also Ask boxes
People Also Ask boxes: A box in some SERPs featuring a list of questions related to
Percona: A free, fully compatible, enhanced and open source drop-in replacement for any MySQL database.
Performance Marketing
What is Performance Marketing? Performance Marketing is a method of digital marketing that combines paid
Perl: A general purpose programming language which can be used in a variety of situations.