Python: A programming language that is often used for data handling and dissemination.
Qualified lead
Qualified lead: If you use your website to encourage potential customers to contact you via phone
Qualified traffic
Qualified traffic: When traffic is “qualified,” it usually means that the visit is relevant to the
Query (related to SEO)
The exact words people type into a search engine to find search results.
RankBrain: The part of Google’s algorithm that uses machine learning to increase the ranking of
Search results in the order of relevance to a search query.
It is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to build dynamic, component-based web interfaces
Redirect Error
Redirect Error: A website redirect that is generating an error quite often in the form
Redirection: When a URL is moved from one location to another. Most often, redirection is permanent
Referral Program
A system that rewards customers for referring new buyers.