Referral Traffic
Referral Traffic: Traffic sent to a website from another website. For example, if your website is
Regional keywords
Regional keywords: Refers to keywords unique to a specific locale. Use Google Trends, for example, to
Rel=canonical: A tag that allows site owners to tell Google which version of a web page
Remarketing: A process that involves showing Google ads to users who have already interacted with
Render-blocking resources
Render-blocking resources are CSS or JavaScript files that delay a webpage from displaying content because
Render-blocking scripts
Render-blocking scripts: A script that forces your browser to wait to be fetched before the page
Rendering: The process of a browser turning a website’s code into a viewable page.
Resource pages
Resource pages: Commonly used for the purpose of link building, resource pages typically contain a list
Responsive design
Responsive design: Google’s preferred design pattern for mobile-friendly websites, responsive design allows the website to adapt
Rich Cards
Rich Cards: a display box on the right hand side of search engine results pages