Web Fonts
Fonts specifically designed for use on websites, often served via services like Google Fonts.
Webmaster guidelines
Webmaster guidelines: Guidelines that are set by search engines so that managers of a website
Website Bloat Removal
Website Bloat Removal: Page bloat is unnecessary code left in a page from plugins unused
Website Building, Planning & Delivery
Website Building Planning and Delivery: Having a simple, clear process to follow means that each
Website Health Checks
SEO Optimization – Site Health Checks: If a website is not prepared for keyword optimisation
Website Improvement Audits
Website Improvement Audits: A website audit involves analyzing your website for technical, user experience, and SEO issues.
Website indexing
Website indexing: The process by which a search engine reads and files away the information on your website, so that it can be found through search.
Website Maintenance
Website maintenance is the act of checking your website regularly for issues and keeping it
Website Plugin Audits
Website Plugin Audits: Website plugin audits are used to assess the security, stability and efficiency
Website SEO Automation
Website SEO Automation: making the search engine optimization process automatic through the use of tools,