Woocommerce Variable Product
A variable product in WooCommerce is a product type that allows you to offer variations
Word of mouth
Word of mouth: A marketing message spread between people as they discuss your brand with friends and acquaintances.
WordPress Archive Page
An archive page in WordPress is a type of page that automatically organizes and displays
WordPress Backend
The WordPress backend, also known as the admin area or Dashboard, is the control center
WordPress Child Theme
A child theme in WordPress is a theme that inherits the functionality and styling of
WordPress Custom Post Type (CPT)
A way to create content types beyond the default posts and pages in WordPress, such
WordPress Domain Mapping
Domain mapping in WordPress allows users to manage multiple domains from a single WordPress installation,
WordPress Excerpt
An excerpt in WordPress is a brief summary of a post, helping readers quickly understand
WordPress Featured Image
A featured image in WordPress is a representative image for a post, page, or custom
WordPress Hard Crop
In WordPress, hard crop automatically resizes and crops product images to specific dimensions, ensuring uniformity