The World Wide Encrypted Web and the role of HTTPS
You may have noticed green lock keys next to the URL of your online search results. The green lock marks pages that make use of HTTPS, which is the web’s secure protocol compared to the older HTTP version.
According to Mozilla, the average volume of unencrypted internet traffic is being surpassed by the average volume of encrypted traffic. So, what does this mean for you? It means that you are a lot safer from prying eyes.
How does HTTPS work?
While the website that you visit is still being recorded, the content that you are reading or posting to a site is less easily seen. It provides an encryption on a site that makes it much harder for hackers or other malicious parties to replace information or trick you into downloading malware.
Originally, HTTPS was developed in 2004 through the use of SSL certificates. The main idea was to protect site visitors who provide credit card details to make purchases.
Why do I need an SSL Certificate?
While you may be thinking that your site’s visitors don’t provide personal details, here are a few reasons why you still need to move over to HTTPS:
- Google has included HTTPS certification as one of their ranking factors.
- You get a cool green lock next to your website, which can help to build up trust in your brand.
- If you do not have an HTTPS site, it is likely that visitors to your site will receive warnings to not visit your site.
- HTTPS provides more protection of your data through data encryption, which requires a key to decrypt.
- The integrity of your data can’t be corrupted.
- Your SSL certificate helps to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.
Not sure whether to move your site over to HTTPS? Give us a call if you need more information or if you want to transfer your website.